Welcome To A Faith Journey
Step Through The Clues to Finding A Very Real God
We have reached the time for our world to reconcile science and God. Look at buried clues in ancient scripture through the lens of science to see a very real God. And then read on to see He has a very loving plan for humanity and you.
Photo Credit: D V Grieve Leysin Switzerland
Science Points to God
Not quite sure God is real? Or do you think science is fake? Welcome to this blog journey to look at God through the lens of science and through your thoughts and realizations. Look at these clues for insights that will lead both the deeply skeptical and the most literal believers closer to what God is all about.
The Design for Mankind
Maybe you believe in God a little bit. Maybe you believe in God a lot. Maybe you think the Bible only sets forth old-fashioned living for ancient tribes. Maybe you believe the words and judgments of all prophets are written in stone. But we have all missed God’s master plan for our growth set through the Covenants. It will give you a new way to see scripture and help you grow your faith.
The Books
God gave us a plan for our growth. Put the covenants together in a way that reveals the big picture for our lives.
It is time for the full responsibility of women to come to light.
There are many, many untold stories of women in the Bible waiting to speak to us; heroes, leaders and villains. We have strong role models hidden for centuries because they did not match the stereotype of docile domestic servitude. Look again at these marvelous women! Grow your faith, find your freedom and find yourself in the strong and unique Godly women while avoiding the pitfalls of the big time sinners. (Hint: These stories are not PG) What Does God want for women? Are we wrong to work, take birth control, to lead in church, to lead our communities, lead our countries and challenge stereotypes? What is wrong with being confident and outspoken? Why are we taught to be quiet? This is the next step for women of faith. Find yourself, build yourself, through God given examples. Read His word for yourself and see what you think of all His daughters. Where do you fit? We are working to build a Woman’s Bible Study of these unique women. The goal is not condemn or judge men, is solely intended to help a woman communicate directly with God's word for her. God does not need a man to talk to women for Him! Have faith in our true Father, have faith in yourself. "Hidden Women of the Bible A Bible Study for Women" is under development.
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Hidden Women of the Bible