Let There Be Light and Hubble’s Law
The Big Bang theory was originally formalized in the 1920’s by a Belgian Catholic priest, theoretical physicist, astronomer and professor, Georges Lemmaitre. Years later Hubbles Law for the expansion of the universe supported this theory. Many atheist scientist opposed it because they believed it sounded too ‘religious’. They based their science on their limited understanding of matter being the basis of all things. We now know this material view is false and all matter and all energy can and will dissipate. Want to really theorize creation? Apparently this is a fun excercise if you are an astrophysicist. We all know the further out we go in space the more time slows down. So you can theoretically calculate at what distance from earth can the birth of the universe happen in one day, and then the distances needed under different space-time grids for the remaining 5 days for the creation? No wonder God rested on the 7th! And to add more physics to the power of God. In quantum physics particles do not experience time or distance, but they can react to each other immediately without touching. Anyone remember that is what God says about Himself?