Covenant Four- Moses

God saw that His people were ready for young adulthood and He leads them out of captivity and into a bootcamp of survival. God chose another God-fearing, devoted, humble and not very confident man to instruct them: Moses. Moses followed God’s commands and carried the power of God to save His people. The displays of God’s power were meant as much for the faith of the Hebrew slaves as they were to break the control of the Pharaoh. The Exodus is a powerful story with many meanings. It is the story of God’s power and God’s might yearning to rescue us from slavery to others or to the slavery of our own demons. The lessons of the tribe did not get easier with freedom. God sent His people away into the desert, into hardship and isolation, away from other influences and without a monarchy or a dictator. So unlike anything in the ancient world. What a powerful bootcamp to bring them closer to God. This covenant of freedom is written in Exodus 6:6-8.


Covenant Three- Abraham


The Book of the Covenant