Completion- The 11th Commandment
‘This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.’ Matthew 26:28. ‘A new commandment I give to you, that you love on another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another.’ John 13:34. Jesus’s messages convey the deepest desire of God, the ultimate purpose for our lives. Jesus’s words teach us about that love in terms of righteous, legality and even a bit of psychology. Through Jesus’s words and spirit God has given us everything in love, even His son. God only gives us each covenant once. Look closely at the Ten Commandments, they all have one thing in common- if you can follow them you will never hurt anyone. And if you never ever think along those lines you will never sin. God knows no one can do that. But what this final commandment teaches us, is even more important than not doing wrong, it is to do right and to love through all the sins. Love with forgiveness is the fulfillment of all the Commandments. And when you take time to learn Jesus you will find the Holy Spirit ready to help you in amazing ways. The book Secrets of the Covenants teaches us the covenants in a new way and includes a bible study. You can find it in the book section. God bless you on your journey of discovery.